March Newsletter: Company Spotlight/ Host A Brown Bag at NOMA
[fa icon="calendar'] March 17, 2016 / by GerNika Tyler posted in #collaborate, #noma, #workshop, #network, #brownbag, #march #marchnewsletter
Workspace Wednesday: Coworking at Union Station!
[fa icon="calendar'] March 9, 2016 / by Colleen Quinn posted in #collaborate, #freewifi, #coworking, #workspaces
Ditch the coffee shops!
Come experience coworking and see why it has become the most popular way for entrepreneurs and independent professionals to work.
- 24/7 Access
- Plenty of comfortable workspaces
- Free wifi and coffee!
Call for a Free Trial with a Scheduled Tour!
Staff Profile: Meet Taylor!!
[fa icon="calendar'] June 4, 2015 / by Colleen Quinn posted in #collaborate, #coworking, #clients, #work, #dcofficespace, #nomalounge, #lawyers, #dcworkspaces, #dcaddress, #unionstation
About Taylor: I am originally from the suburbs of Washington DC. I recently graduated from University of Alabama in May of 2015 and I am currently a new member to the team.
My role at DC Workspaces: I am part of the front desk team. I have multiple tasks to perform throughout the day at our NOMA/Union Station office.
Best part about working at DC Workspaces: I meet new people on a daily basis. Working at the front desk has given me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. There are so many businesses and organizations I have learned about from working at DC Workspaces which have broadened my horizons.
Favorite Workspace: I love our lounge at the Union Station location, it gives everyone an opportunity to get to know each other in a non-stressful work environment.
Interests outside the office: I love traveling, playing with my dog, walking around the city, and being with family and friends.
Media:scape Lunch and Learn May 6th @ 12 PM!
[fa icon="calendar'] May 5, 2015 / by Britany Gatewood posted in #event, #collaborate, #noma, #nomaworkspaces, #clients, #dcworkspaces, #blog, #technology, #workshop, media:scape, #lunch&learn
Please join us Wednesday, May 6th for a Lunch and Learn where Steelcase will be providing a workshop on our Media:scape room. This room can be used for video conferencing, multiple presentation displays, and more! This event is specifically made for NOMA clients and we will be providing samples of signature dishes from a local restaurant. Lunch and Learn will take place in the Media:scape room from 12 pm to 1 pm.
Bloggers Roundtable Event at NOMA Workspaces: 3pm-5pm today in the NOMA Lounge
[fa icon="calendar'] April 27, 2015 / by Colleen Quinn posted in #event, #collaborate, #noma, #hautehipstermedia, #nomaworkspaces, #coworking, #nomalounge, #dcworkspaces, #start-up, #unionstation, #blog, blogging, socialmedia, #socialtips, bloggers, #BRTNOMAWORSPACES
Join us today for the Bloggers Roundtable Event at NOMA Workspaces! The event starts at 3 pm and will take place in NOMA Lounge.
We will have popular bloggers discussing hot topics including racial awareness, social dynamics, and relationships via social media.
This event is interactive, and we encourage participation through tweets, facebook and blogs. The bloggers will be available to answer questions and comment in real time.
Use #BRTNoMAWorkspaces to follow the conversation and interact with the bloggers!
NOMA Workspaces Lunch & Learn: Social Media Seminar
[fa icon="calendar'] April 17, 2015 / by Ryan Gowling posted in #collaborate, #nomaworkspaces, #coworking, #dcofficespace, #nomalounge, #dcworkspaces, #start-up, #unionstation, #blog, socialmedia, #socialtips, networking,, CapitolHill, #roti
Yesterday, April 16th, NOMA Workspaces hosted a lunch and learn with TaKeyia Monique, the Social Media Guru and Roti Mediterranean Grill in the Monument room.
Roti Mediterranean Grill provided delicious and nutritious samples of their signature dishes. Roti prides themselves on fresh organic ingredients and food that loves you back!
Roti can cater your next business meeting! Catering orders can be placed online or by phone 877-OMG-ROTI. Orders are preferred to be placed the day prior for best services and availability since food is prepared fresh daily.
Takeyia Monique, the Social Media Guru built her reputation on the "Get Social Program", which teaches individuals and businesses on how to expand their brand, make money, and have fun doing it.
TaKeyia's quick social tips:
1.) Connect: Focus your content and find your niche
2.) Engage: Know your audience and stay consistent
3.) Influence: Inspire others and be authentic
4.) Integrate: Repost, tag others, and position yourself to WIN!
TaKeyia encouraged everyone to focus on LinkedIn as their major social media outlet. Hashtags, reposts, and supporting those connected in your industry are the keys to gaining more followers, according to the social media guru. She encouraged us to have fun with hastags and not be too serious. TaKeyia said "Post a joke or a Throwback Thursday #tbt to keep things light and fun! Create your own company hashtag!"
Thanks again to Takeyia and Roti for hosting!
What is your company's hashtag?
NOMA is gearing up for Bloggers Week 2015!!
[fa icon="calendar'] April 15, 2015 / by Ryan Gowling posted in #collaborate, #nomaworkspaces, #coworking, #dcofficespace, #nomalounge, #dcworkspaces, #start-up, #unionstation, staff profile, bloggers, CapitolHill
Bloggers Week DC and Haute Hipster Media will be hosting a Bloggers Roundtable on Monday April 27th from 3:00pm until 5:00pm here at NOMA Workspaces. We will have popular bloggers discuss hot topics around racial awareness, social dynamics, and relationships via social media.
This event is interactive, and we encourage participation though tweets, facebook and blogs. The bloggers will be available to answer questions and comment in real time.
We are excited to be hosting this event and kick off Bloggers Week 2015!
Staff Profile: Meet Colleen!
[fa icon="calendar'] April 14, 2015 / by Colleen Quinn posted in #collaborate, #coworking, #clients, #work, #dcofficespace, #nomalounge, #lawyers, #dcworkspaces, #dcaddress, #unionstation
About Colleen: I am originally from the suburbs of Philadelphia. I graduated from Marymount University in 2009 and have been working at DC Workspaces (formally DC Business Centers) since October 2010.
My role at DC Workspaces: I am part of the sales team. I sell virtual and private offices at all three DC Workspaces locations: NOMA/Union Station, Georgetown, and Farragut.
Best part about working at DC Workspaces: Everyday I meet people from different industries and backgrounds. Our clients consist of start-ups, non-profits, government contractors, lawyers, and international corporations. I enjoy signing a new start-up company who needs a DC business address to establish a DC presence. Many times start-ups will update me about how their business has grown and they are ready for a private office.
Favorite Workspace: The NOMA Lounge at our Union Station location is a great workspace for me to collaborate with colleagues.
Interests outside the office: I love traveling, running races, baking and spending time with my fiance, friends, and family.
Free Small Business Workshop
[fa icon="calendar'] March 17, 2015 / by Britany Gatewood posted in #event, #washingtonbusinessjournal, #collaborate, #noma, #hautehipstermedia, #skype, #Wellsfargo, #work, #start-up, #capital, #dcgov, entrepreneur, #goDCgo, #sba, #greatstreets, #unionstation, #counseling, #contracting
On Tuesday, March 10, 2015, NOMA Workspaces hosted a free Small Business Workshop for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. It was a chance for participants to network and learn from their peers. We want to make sure you are keeping up with your 2015 business goals. Participants learned tips on a variety of topics. From government funding to social media, they were given tools to help their business grow. David White (Vice President of Business, Wells Fargo) and Alexandra Piotrowski (Small Business Administration) spoke to the group about the Three C's: Capital, Counseling, and Contracting. Red Bull, goDCgo, and the Washington Business Journal all brought resources and information to the event.
Break out groups included:
Polina Bakhteiarov and Sandra Gomez (Great Streets) on defining and identifying grant opportunities and city resources and how businesses apply for the Great Streets program.
Shara A. Gibson (DC Department of Small and Local Business Development) on
leveraging partnerships and relationships.
TaKeyia Monique (C.E.O., Haute Hipster Media) on growing your business utilizing social media.
We offered this workshop via Skype for those who could not attend in person.We hope to host more events for local small businesses. If you are interested in hosting a workshop or event please contact Britany Gatewood at 202-380-3600.
Follow our Facebook, Twitter, and Blog to keep up with future events at NOMA Workspaces!
Co-Working Lounge: Open this Week 12 pm - 2 pm for Members Only!!
[fa icon="calendar'] November 12, 2014 / by DC Workspaces posted in #collaborate, #freewifi, #noma, #nomaworkspaces, #coworking, #work, In Co-Working

Here at NOMA Workspaces, we strive to listen and actively interpret our clients’ needs. We heard you want more access to the co-working lounge so you and your colleagues can collaborate ideas and get to know your office neighbors. We agree! The lounge is open this week for members only from 12 pm-2 pm.
Free Wi-Fi, coffee, and Apple TVs are provided in the co-working lounge so you can simply sit down, work, and succeed.
Stay tuned for more updates on the blog
We look forward to growing with you!
Team NOMA Workspaces