
    Understanding the Benefits and Importance of HUBZone

    [fa icon="calendar'] January 19, 2016 / by Britany Smith posted in #sba, #hubzone, #smallbiz

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    The Benefits of Co-Working Space

    [fa icon="calendar'] November 5, 2015 / by Taylor Ayre posted in #noma, #coworking, #work, #officespace, #dcworkspaces, #sba, #smallbusiness, #coworkingspace, #hubzone

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    Co-Working spaces have numerous perks for businesses. Most people think that co-working spaces are strictly for startup companies, but that is not the case. Co-working spaces can benefit any type of business at any stage of the businesses growth. These types of spaces have many benefits associated with them. The perks received from co-working space aren’t available for such low costs in a regular leased office space.

    Take a look at some of the best perks associated with co-working spaces:

    Access to Shared Resources

    Resources such as printers, copiers, fax machines, furniture for the office, and internet connection cost a lot of money. While working in a co-working space every company has access to shared resources that cut down the costs of individually buying these pricey yet necessary office items. Not only initially purchasing these items but the costs of maintenance, repairs, and IT costs are no longer something to worry about in a co-working space.

    Collaborative Benefits

    The coolest part about working in a co-working space is the many different types of companies and people you come across. Just in one space there could be lawyers, IT companies, consultants, software engineers, government contractors, foundations, and many more types of businesses. This opens up opportunity to possibly collaborate on projects or new business ventures. Co-working spaces are like communities with unlimited benefits and opportunities to grow your business.

    Meeting Rooms

    Co-working spaces offer conference rooms that are available whenever you need them. If your business has a new client coming in or needs to conduct an interview, co-working spaces have these resources available. With co-working spaces you don’t have to run to the nearest Starbucks or squeeze into a small office in order to meet a potential client or host a meeting.

    Virtual Receptionist

    A huge benefit of a co-working space is the opportunity to have a virtual receptionist. These receptionists will answer your phone calls and make sure you get the information you need before taking the phone call. Co-working space receptionists are trained to handle calls for many different types of businesses, can take messages for you while you are in a meeting, and make sure that the information you need is given to you quickly and accurately. This way you do not have to hire your own receptionist, saving you and your business a lot of money.

    It is very clear there are many perks of co-working space, no matter what your reason is for considering this type of work space. We often overlook the simple things like costs of maintaining an office, office resources, and how much easier co-working space is for everyone. There are many things you no longer need to worry about with co-working spaces that you would with your own office. With the availability of private offices you still get your private time to get work done and at the same time you get the benefits of not having to worry about utilities, maintenance, and other costs associated with your own space. There are designated meeting rooms readily available and an opportunity to expand your company with many other businesses and resources around you.

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