
    Understanding the Benefits and Importance of HUBZone

    [fa icon="calendar"] January 19, 2016 / by Britany Smith


    What is HUBZone?

    Before understanding the importance of HUBZone, you should understand what
    HUBZone is and what the benefits are for your small business. The Historically Underutilized
    Business Zones (HUBZone) is a small business administration program for small
    companies that operate and employ people in a HUBZONE.

    Making sure your small business is eligible for the HUBZone program is only part
    of the process. It is important that your business is qualified by the Small Business
    Administration (SBA) in passing their standards for the HUBZone program.

    In order to qualify your business needs to:

    • Be owned and controlled by at least 51% of U.S citizens
    • Be located within a HUBZone area (Map) 
    • Ensure that at least 35% of the company’s employees live in a HUBZone
    • How does the HUBZone program benefit your company?
    • *Includes a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions and subcontracting possibilities. 
    • Provides competitive and sole source contracting.

    The HUBZone program is a great way to certify your business and take advantages
    of the many great opportunities that could lead your business to success. You can
    learn more about the HUBZone program at

    Topics: #sba, #hubzone, #smallbiz

    Britany Smith

    Written by Britany Smith

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